Beckett Baseball 2023 July #208
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2023. 7월호 베켓 베이스볼 - 제러드 켈레닉
- 200페이지 이상 분량의 베이스볼 프라이스 가이드 수록
- 현재 수집 시장에서 가장 인기있는 카드 20장을 소개하는 코너
- 야구 카드 수집 관련 최신 뉴스
- 신제품 리뷰/출시 예정 제품 프리뷰 등
* 표지 소재 및 제본 특성상 미세한 흠집이나 스크래치가 발생할 수 있는 점 참고바랍니다.
(주문 접수시 현 재고 중 가장 좋은 컨디션의 서적을 배송드립니다: 단순 변심 및 흠집/스크래치로 인한 교환-반품시 배송비 본인 부담)
Beckett Baseball July 2023
Beckett Baseball is a monthly collectibles publication that comes loaded with current pricing on recent trading card releases, popular sets from the past, and timely coverage of the latest baseball-related collecting trends.
Passionate readers use this magazine to find out what their cards are worth, which players to sell, whose Rookie Cards to watch, and what new products are hitting the market. For longtime and novice collectors alike, Beckett Baseball is a must-have resource to stay informed and aware of the contemporary baseball card market.
What to expect in each issue:
- The Baseball Card Price Guide: More than 200 pages filled with current pricing for recent releases and the most popular sets from the past.
- The Hot List: A fluctuating guide, complete with pricing and images for the top 20 baseball cards on the market.
- Market Watch: Numbers-driven analysis on the key players and products to collect.
- Feature stories: Editorial and informational coverage of various trends and themes throughout the hobby.
- Reviews: Editors and analysts offer insight and opinion on the industry’s recent releases.
- Previews: Images, descriptions and other key details about upcoming product releases.
- Readers Write: Collectors weigh in with thoughts on the hobby, questions about certain cards, and impressive new additions to their personal collections.
- SuperCollector: A one-page tribute to hardcore collectors who have built trading card monuments to their favorite players or teams.
2023. 7월호 베켓 베이스볼 - 제러드 켈레닉
- 200페이지 이상 분량의 베이스볼 프라이스 가이드 수록
- 현재 수집 시장에서 가장 인기있는 카드 20장을 소개하는 코너
- 야구 카드 수집 관련 최신 뉴스
- 신제품 리뷰/출시 예정 제품 프리뷰 등
* 표지 소재 및 제본 특성상 미세한 흠집이나 스크래치가 발생할 수 있는 점 참고바랍니다.
(주문 접수시 현 재고 중 가장 좋은 컨디션의 서적을 배송드립니다: 단순 변심 및 흠집/스크래치로 인한 교환-반품시 배송비 본인 부담)
Beckett Baseball July 2023
Beckett Baseball is a monthly collectibles publication that comes loaded with current pricing on recent trading card releases, popular sets from the past, and timely coverage of the latest baseball-related collecting trends.
Passionate readers use this magazine to find out what their cards are worth, which players to sell, whose Rookie Cards to watch, and what new products are hitting the market. For longtime and novice collectors alike, Beckett Baseball is a must-have resource to stay informed and aware of the contemporary baseball card market.
What to expect in each issue:
- The Baseball Card Price Guide: More than 200 pages filled with current pricing for recent releases and the most popular sets from the past.
- The Hot List: A fluctuating guide, complete with pricing and images for the top 20 baseball cards on the market.
- Market Watch: Numbers-driven analysis on the key players and products to collect.
- Feature stories: Editorial and informational coverage of various trends and themes throughout the hobby.
- Reviews: Editors and analysts offer insight and opinion on the industry’s recent releases.
- Previews: Images, descriptions and other key details about upcoming product releases.
- Readers Write: Collectors weigh in with thoughts on the hobby, questions about certain cards, and impressive new additions to their personal collections.
- SuperCollector: A one-page tribute to hardcore collectors who have built trading card monuments to their favorite players or teams.